Z.A. du Buisson de la Couldre
9 - 10, Rue Eugène Hénaff
78190 TRAPPES - France
Legal form: SA with a capital of 200,000 €uros,
Versailles Trade Register,
SIREN NUMBER: 348 293 259
Siret No.: 348 293 259 000 43
Intracommunity VAT number: FR57 348293259
APE Code: 2562B
You can reach us:
To the address of the above-mentioned establishment, which is the registered office of our company
by phone: +33 (0)1 30 66 35 35 / fax: +33 (0)1 30 66 31 69
The Director of the publication is: Mr Hisayuki CHIKUBA - General Manager
The Editorial Manager is: Mrs Michèle GRANDIN (RGPD correspondent)
Contact details of the site editor: OXICAT
12 allée des Ormes - 94430 Chennevières -sur-Marne
Mr Olivier FREDON - General Manager
Contact details of the site host: OVH
2 rue kellermann - BP 80157 -59053 ROUBAIX cedex1
Contact details of the company accompanying the RGPD compliance process
RGPD Agency -22 rue de Bignoux -86000 Poitiers
Tel: 05.47 74 74 39 38 38