Created in 1988, Toyo Tanso France is the subsidiary of TOYO TANSO Co Ltd (Osaka, Japan), the world leader in the production and development of outstanding quality specialized carbon for the most demanding industries, pioneer in the isotropic graphite technology and in new carbon application in the fields of of semi-conductors, nano materials, environment, mechanical, electrical metallurgical and nuclear industries.
The cumulated knowledge and experiences of the group allow Toyo Tanso France to make its customers benefit from the best of the quasi infinite potential of carbon and its derivatives.
TOYO TANSO FRANCE S.A. - Z.A. du Buisson de la Couldre - 9-10 rue Eugène Hénaff - 78190 Trappes - France
Tél. : +33 1 30 66 35 35 - Fax : +33 1 30 66 31 69
Copyright Toyo Tanso France - Janvier 2010