Gas-impermeable reaction tubes
Suscepters, boards and jigs for semiconductors
Tubes for atomic absorption spectroscopy
Crusibles for melting metals
Very fine and high density
Ultra-high purity
High oxidation resistance
High chemical resistance
Able to reduce gas desorption to a negligible amount
PYROGRAPH® is a high purity graphite product on which we deposit pyrolytic carbon using an original CVD process of our own. It has the effect of reducing gas permeation and preventing reactions, for which it is often used for analytical equipment parts, high temperature reactor parts and all kinds of tools.
Pyrolytic graphite coating (PYROGRAPH®)
Compound materials and other products
TOYO TANSO FRANCE S.A. - Z.A. du Buisson de la Couldre - 9-10 rue Eugène Hénaff - 78190 Trappes - France
Tél. : +33 1 30 66 35 35 - Fax : +33 1 30 66 31 69
Copyright Toyo Tanso France - Janvier 2010