We offer carbon anode with low polarizability for use in fluorine generation. Fluorine gas, which has zero global warming potential, is becoming increasingly popular in the semiconductor and surface treatment industries, and with demand for fluorine gas growing in recent years, we have been working to ensure that this demand is met with a stable supply. Also, we have developed surface modification technologies incorporating fluorine gas for a variety of polymers. By combining these technologies with other environmentally-friendly treatment processes, we are contributing to a better environment worldwide.
Electrode for fluorine gas generation (FE-5)
FE-5 is the carbon electrode uniquely developed as an exclusive electrode for fluorine gas generation. It enables the stable supply of F2 gas.
TOYO TANSO FRANCE S.A. - Z.A. du Buisson de la Couldre - 9-10 rue Eugène Hénaff - 78190 Trappes - France
Tél. : +33 1 30 66 35 35 - Fax : +33 1 30 66 31 69
Copyright Toyo Tanso France - Janvier 2010